Creating Courage: What is Coaching for Courageous Creativity?

There is something so deeply courageous about creating. About taking a filament from inside you and lighting it up outside you. Making something real.

It's a process that we often get stuck around.


It's difficult to see the stuff we're stuck in while we're stuck in it. It's hard to ask for support when we're not even sure what kind of support we need. All of this is normal and okay and ... an opportunity, even. I’ve found that sometimes it’s our stuckness that shows us the way.

My coaching approach is holistic and grounded in compassion. My intuition guides me to offer grace and space or a kind challenge as needed. As we work together we may:

  • examine ways that fear shows up and keeps you in a repeating cycle that's the opposite of your creative dreams,

  • have a reality check of your obstacles, separating legitimate challenges from excuses, and creating more empowering relationships with both,

  • dream about the possibilities and get clear on what's truly essential in your vision of a inspired life,

  • consider more helpful ways of relating to negative self-talk,

  • explore your beliefs around creativity and how those may be supporting your vision or hindering it,

  • acknowledge, appreciate, and build trust in your unique creative process,

  • do exercises that ask you to role-play, visualize, or tune into your body's sensations, in order to step beyond thinking about your dreams into actually embodying your dreams,

  • and, above all, learn to treasure who you really are, where you’re really at, because deep creativity is an expression of your you-ness.

Courageous Creativity may or may not look like “stereotypical” creativity, with glitter and paint and a trendy Instagram grid. It is the unapologetic flow of your essential self into the world. You can learn to allow that magic to happen.

Among my clients, you’ll find entrepreneurs embracing their marketing process, women navigating transitions and what comes next, and busy moms reconnecting with themselves, all bravely crafting one next step at a time, from frustration to inspiration.

Maybe you are blocked around a specific project. Maybe you feel pulled toward a more courageously creative life, even if it's a bit vague. You probably already know, on some level, what to do. Something else is in the way and the cool thing is: we can figure out that part. Asking for support in this process is a powerful way to honor yourself and a gift to the rest of us.

New clients commit to an initial package of sessions. In that time, we lay a groundwork of how to live in Courageous Creativity, in alignment with. Real, foundational shifts in mindset take time; it’s a process to take what we understand logically and let it soak into our hearts, to see it play out in our lives. (Otherwise, “Just Do It” would work all the time.)

We start with clarifying what it is you really want. My responsibility as a coach includes trusting your wisdom about your life because you’re the expert on you. Really, all I do is help you cut through what gets in the way of you tuning into, trusting, and valuing your own wisdom. I do this by asking questions, trusting my intuition, suggesting exercises, and holding space for whatever bubbles up for you. Your responsibility as a client is to bring your real self into a session, no matter what that looks like that day.

At the end of the initial commitment, we’ll re-assess whether you’ve gotten to where you want to be or if you still want more support, and what that would look like. It’s possible that your focus may shift into an even truer direction. You hold the compass, always.