If you feel like marketing is your downfall, or like the online Business Bro crowd duped you into this whole entrepreneurship thing, I want to tell you something:

You’re not a failed consumer of marketing tactics. 

You’re a real human, with a heart and a dream, but you need help building a courageous mindset to apply those marketing tactics in a way that doesn’t make you nauseous.


Hey there, I'm Jean.

I’m a marketing mindset coach for women who want to help others through their businesses, but who are so afraid of feeling exposed and judged that they’re not putting themselves out there and connecting with the people they’re here to help.


And here’s how I help them: I show my clients how to transform the pressure they put on themselves into self-kindness so that they can ride the emotional roller coaster of marketing without second-guessing themselves into stagnation.



I didn't set out to be a marketing coach.


I’m as surprised as anyone that this is where I ended up, because I’ve never formally studied marketing or business.  But I went to school to study opera, y’all, so I guess I know a thing or two about getting in front of people for the express purpose of being judged.  

But you know what’s harder than belting out one of Mozart’s concert arias in front of all your friends, family, and professors?  Launching a business dream.  I started noticing all my entrepreneur friends struggling with the visibility of promoting their businesses. And I heard podcast hosts fielding listener questions about how to not feel scared by marketing.  And I saw business coaches selling courses on how to not feel icky on sales calls.  And I just kept coming across people who were afraid to put themselves out there.  And it felt like they needed something they weren’t getting.

I heard strategy after strategy.  Tactic after tactic.  How to make a website that converts.  How to get clients off Pinterest.  How to write newsletters that don’t suck.


It’s often good advice, but I didn’t hear the business gurus addressing how much creativity and emotional resilience an entrepreneur needs, especially when who they are is closely connected to what they do, which takes putting themselves out there to a whole new level of pressure.

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